Why I'm (re)starting writing
30 April 2021
Why I decided to start writing and what I intend to write about.
Meet Shre

I’m Shre and I used to live in San Francisco. I've been in Europe since last summer and would probably call Vienna, Austria as my base for the next month.I used to work as a Product Manager at Upwork and before that a few roles at LinkedIn. I moved back from San Francisco because I recently quit my job as a PM there. Currently taking a break to learn no-code, write, travel, and explore a few ideas/interesting early startups.On the personal side, I’m originally from Kathmandu, Nepal but didn’t grow up there. I’ve spent around half of my life in Asia & Australia and the second half mainly in Europe. I moved to California 1.5 years ago for work but have now moved back to Europe for the next few months (at least) as I take a break. Spain and Greece are likely next stops.How I could help you:
I’m a product manager by day so for those who are also building their own businesses - happy to be a beta tester, take part in any user research I might be a good fit for or anything else you think I could help with.
I’m a newbie with no-code but taking a few cohort-based courses with On Deck and Makerpad so happy to share my limited learnings so far / explore what you might have in mind to build with no-code.
I’ve worked for companies in labor markets/hiring marketplaces so I quite enjoy connecting people to an opportunity. so if you’re looking for a full-time job in tech and you see I’m connected to them, I’m happy to do what I can to get you a referral.
More fun: I’ve jumped around Airbnbs a bit the past few years and have a few lists (mainly in sunny bits of Europe + South America) so happy to share, feel free to reach out.
Why I'm writing
Hi! I recently decided to take some time off and one of the things I am to do is develop a writing habit. I've always been interested in writing thematically since I was a teenager and used to share it with a few close friends. I want to develop a writing habit again for two reasons:
Writing as a form of reflection and self-therapy. I've tried working with a career coach and a therapist on and off for the past two years. What I’ve realized is I don’t spend enough time reflecting deeply on my own on things or themes that really matter and form a large part of why I am the way I am. For someone who finds it hard to ask for help or express myself sometimes, coaching and therapy sessions have been helpful. I'd like to take time to reflect about things or themes that matter to me and I think the best form for me is through writing. Most of this writing will be here.
Writing as a form to learn and engage. I find reading, writing, and discussing about a topic one of the best ways I can learn about something. At the time of writing, I'm currently learning about no-code through Makerpad's No-Code Fundamentals course, labor markets and crypto through South Park Commons related forums. As I take time off to learn about a few things such as the above and hopefully more areas, I plan to share some of my learnings here and would love to stimulate a discussion. Some of it will be here but most of it will likely be on Medium.
why i quit
Hi! I recently decided to take some time off and one of the things I am to do is develop a writing habit. I've always been interested in writing thematically since I was a teenager and used to share it with a few close friends. I want to develop a writing habit again for two reasons:
Writing as a form of reflection and self-therapy. I've tried working with a career coach and a therapist on and off for the past two years. What I’ve realized is I don’t spend enough time reflecting deeply on my own on things or themes that really matter and form a large part of why I am the way I am. For someone who finds it hard to ask for help or express myself sometimes, coaching and therapy sessions have been helpful. I'd like to take time to reflect about things or themes that matter to me and I think the best form for me is through writing. Most of this writing will be here.
Writing as a form to learn and engage. I find reading, writing, and discussing about a topic one of the best ways I can learn about something. At the time of writing, I'm currently learning about no-code through Makerpad's No-Code Fundamentals course, labor markets and crypto through South Park Commons related forums. As I take time off to learn about a few things such as the above and hopefully more areas, I plan to share some of my learnings here and would love to stimulate a discussion. Some of it will be here but most of it will likely be on Medium.